TOT new Media Beirut... day 2...
During the 2nd day of the training, the taxi driver lost his way and we arrived 20 mins late to the training center. As we arrived, Beth Kanter gave us copy of her book "The Networked Nonprofit" and then we started the session on Networking with NGOs. Beth Kanter shared some examples of Networked nonprofit in the U.S. and the Arab world.We discussed different issues related to online Networking. Tow features that I really enjoyed discovering today are social mention, which is a social media search and analysis platform that aggregates user generated content from across the universe into a single stream of information and row feeder that is a social media monitoring and analysis tool. It's getting very exciting to learn these new social media skills which we'll later on convey to NGOs within our communities.
As final exercise, we need to write a blog post on one of the following issues:
1- Social Culture, 2- Simplicity, 3- Listening, 4- Transparency, 5- Free Agents.
Nour Eddine and I would like to write about simplicity as it's an issue that we consider very important with our local context. Through our professional experience, we constantly observe that NGOs in our country are still reluctant to use social media skills and build their online network. After a brief discussion, we agreed to list few guidelines that might be helpful to NGOs:
For us, the simplest way to reach simplicity is to avoid excessive use of traditional communication tools to promote their activities or convey their message. For example, an NGO can create a facebook page for different purposes:
- Building an online network vs. using complicated data bases,
- Posting their press release vs. faxing the press release,
- Promoting and running a campaign vs. printing flyers and posters.
These are few ideas that we would like to share today…