Khira Arab, Moroccan Blogger “ NGOs that are using blogs will be more efficient...”

Khira Arab, Moroccan Blogger “ NGOs that are using blogs will be more efficient...”

1- When did you start blogging ?

First of all, create a blog is this desire to share things, to communicate and inform.
It should be noted that I was seduced by this communication tool that I find beautiful, exciting and very practical.

We can share information, participate in the creation ofevents, and communicate. In addition, it is very easy to use and manage, (we really do not need to be a great expert in computer science), it is free and at your fingertips at any time of day or night.

I started blogging since January 2009. I created my blog immediately after completing the module on blogging as part of the WIT (Women in Technology) training program and since then I have not stopped blogging.

Today, I run three blogs :
I'm in the final phase of creating another blog that I will launch soon, but I designed on another platform than blogger, which is Word press. This blog will focus very rare and unique corners of the city of Rabat and I will use a lot more photos and captions.

2-What are you able to achieve through your blog?

Foremost it is Pleasure and satisfaction. This social media tool along with the other tools (facebook, twitter, youtube, etc.) is the best space and a medium for freedom of expression and democracy than the traditional media.

I can tell you that I’m in love with all my blogs. I take good care of them as I did with my own children when they were young.
Having practiced journalism for over 22 years and now retired, the blog helps me to continue my career in journalism by writing and by speaking more freely, to keep in touch with my brothers and sisters, to create and manage and organize my events.

I am often asked to provide presentations by organizations or institutes. Most of the time, I communicate through my blog and I find it more convenient and even interlocutors like it especially young people.

I’ve been often invited to talk about my blogs and my adventure with blogging and I assure you that once my presentation is completed, the great pleasure for me is when people, especially the ladies, come and ask for my help creating their own blog. In this adventure of blogging, I have helped many women in the creation of their blogs.

Currently, I’m in the process of helping a group of students to complete their project of creating a blog. I also helped create the FMEF II and III blog, Mediterranean Festival of Women's Writings.

My blog on the elderly people in Morocco, which I totally dedicated to our seniors, met a huge success and I was not expecting that at all. I must say that this is the first social platform that addresses this issue and speaks about our older people in a human way and far from official statistics. This blog has become over time (since it was created a year ago) a reference to a group of students who are preparing their final study project on our seniors.
Recently, a student contacted me for her research on aging in prison. This blog has also become a link between donors and institutions involved in this segment of population, but especially for me and most importantly, it has forged a link between the young and the old generation and the evidence I get the contact, messages and phone calls from young people and we stay in touch through this blog.

Even for the training that I give I use this tool. Not to mention that I have forged links with many people either here or elsewhere, links that have been converted sometimes into friendship or Professional relationships.

3- In your opinion, how can Moroccan NGOs use blogging to reach their objectives ?

You know… I can even manage the blog of my residence’ union from my house.
We know that social media has completely revolutionized the world. Moroccan NGOs or others that have adopted these communications Tools as a working tool are already winning. We also know that recently, social media have changed our behavior and our actions.

Since I started blogging two years ago, I have gained a number of experiences and I can say that NGOs that are using the blog or other social network tools can be very effective either for dissemination or sharing information and it can also be the most appropriate means for raising awareness and making any message become popular.

I can also argue, given my daily work with associations of civil society, it is the most effective way to spread the social, civil and cultural values. NGOs can use the blog as a platform where they can spread the culture of solidarity, support and development.

It is also a space for dialogue, listening, exchanging experiences and sharing ideas, weaving connections ... and then there's also this interactivity.
NGOs can use all the possibilities offered by the blog: writing, online videos, podcasts, articles, photos, insert links, graphics, designs etc..
NGOs can guide citizens in their social, political and cultural evolution and direct them to good citizenship practices.

We talk today about democracy, citizenship, freedom of expression, law, and justice. It is the blog, facebook etc… that have been the source of this momentum and these aspirations.

I invite you all to visit my active blogs that are listed above and thank you.

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