Social Media Strategic Planning for NGOs: Select, Link & Share
Prepared by Widad EL HANAFI, E-Mediat Morocco Country Director
During the Month of February 2012, E-Mediat Morocco organized its 5th workshop in Oujda, Azrou, and Meknes to review the Implementation of NGOs’ Social Media strategies. After designing their Social Media strategies, NGOs needed to select the appropriate tools to achieve their Social Media strategy objectives and reach their NGO web presence.
We have been reiterating to our NGO since the 1st workshop that success in Social Media is not about using as many tools as possible but rather selecting the right tools for their NGOs’ objectives and audience and find the right process to link between these tools. For example, you need to support your NGO’s twitter strategy with the right tools that can help you save time and organise your daily tweets even when you are away from your desktop and then you can link your Twitter strategy to your Facebook page.
NGOs’ Twitter strategy was one of the sections covered during this workshop. To help NGOs improve their presence on Twitter and plan their twitter strategy, we recommend the following tools:
1- Ifttt :
· Create your NGO account on Ifttt
· Create tasks like Google Reader to Twitter
· Subscribe to website & blogs via RSS: define keywords that fit in your NGO’s objectives & interests and search websites & blogs that post on those topics. Go to your Google Reader daily and read and share relevant articles with your audience. All starred articles will be shared automatically to your twitter via Ifttt
2- Buffer:
· Create account: NGOs can use free option that allows 10 tweets a day or paid options that allow more posting if the NGO can afford that
· Link buffer to your NGO twitter account
· Define settings and your NGO posting schedule
· Go to Goodies and Install Buffer depending on your web browser (Chrome, Safari, …)
· Start buffering relevant articles/ posts from websites, blogs, twitter with your audience from icon.
3- Organise your NGO’s weekly Twitter Strategy:
Tweet category
Total per week
NGO updates
1 per day
(NGO blogpost, video, meeting, region update or news,…)
Updates via buffer
(websites, blogs,…)
10 per day
Tweets via Ifttt
(google reader to twitter)
1 per day
Retweet your followers via directly or via buffer
2 per day
98 tweets per week
This table is just a model that your NGO can use and adapt according to your interests and objectives
1- Important Tips:
· Add your NGO Description and Blog URL on the profile section,
· Start Following and encourage others to follow you:
- Check regularly the Who To Follow section,
- Check your followers’ followers
· Define your weekly twitter strategy
· Update your twitter strategy every week
Bottom line, remember that it is not a matter of using several tools. It is a rather matter of selecting and linking the right tools for your NGO and audience. Enjoy your Tweeting and let us know if you have further questions. Join E-Mediat Morocco on Facebook and Twitter via @emediatmorocco