Blogger's New Interface

 By El Mehdi Zeroual, Training Coordinator E-Mediat Morocco
As we have discussed in the previous article about the New Gmail Interface, things looks a little different for many Google products, and in this article we will discuss the new updates on Blogger.
The new Blogger looks completely different than the previous version. The new design is cleaner and more contemporary and eye-friendly since changes also include set-up of the page. Blogger also enhanced functionality by adding new features and strengthening its speed. 

Since blogging is mainly about writing articles and posting them, Google engineers made the Post Editor much simpler and wider to offer more space for writing. For Writing in Arabic, it is better than the old version since they added the option of starting paragraphs from the right of the page and added the Arabic as a language of writing. So articles in Arabic look better and more organized. Other options modified in the new version are located on the right of the screen for easy access. 

“Planning” is another great tool added to Blogger (right of the screen); this tool can be used to plan posting date and time. In other words, the message will be saved as a draft and automatically published without even being connected at the scheduled time. This tool is very helpful in organizing your postings. 

Blogger Dashboard and Blog Dashboard were given also a new look that is more attracting and organized. The list of blogs on Blogger dashboard is clearer and under the name of each blog there are some statistics (Total number of page views, Number of messages posted, date of the last published message and number of subscribers). By Clicking on the title of the blog, you move directly to the Blog’s Dashboard. 

The blog’s dashboard is completely redesigned. Now, it has an Overview landing page. This section gives users a quick idea on blog activity (graphic illustration of traffic, recent comments activity, daily page views number…). In the lower section of the blog dashboard, Google added a section of other blogs that might interest the blog’s owner. In addition, tabs area is moved to the left of the screen. Basically changes on the tab are minimal, Google changed the name of the tab "Monetize" in the old interface into "Earnings" in the new one. However, this change does not affect the functionality of the tab. In addition, the Tab “Design” in the old interface is divided into "Layout" and "Template" tabs in the new interface. 


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